Sunday, June 5, 2011

3. Dalwhinnie 15

Dalwhinnie 15, the gentle spirit, may not have approved of the board game we were playing in Seattle.

Frankly, we didn't see eye to eye on a number of topics...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

2. Lagavulin 16

Ahhh, Lagavulen 16.

Lagavulen 12 was my favorite scotch in the world when it cost $40 a bottle.  But then the distillery had a fire, and the the twelve year is gone.  The sixteen is nice, but those extra years bring the price up to closer to 60.  Which I just can't afford.  Which is why I was SO EXCITED when I was given a bottle for my birthday.  Better yet, the bottle was from someone who had opened it and hated the overwhelming iodine, burning dirt and seaweed notes.  But those are the best parts!

It is good to have you back home Lagavulin.  I hope you never leave.

1. Ardbeg Ten

Ardbeg ten!  One of my favorites.  Pours more clear than one would imagine, with some great fire and peat.  46%, singe malt, and just outstanding.

501 Scotches

Well, after finishing my epic task of sampling 501 unique beers, I decided to try to think of what should come next.  501 more beers?  501 wines?  501 spirits?  Nah, none of that.  Go big or go home!  And I am at home, blogging in my underwear.  Who am I kidding?  I am not wearing underwear.

Then it came to me.  Five hundred and one scotches.  Here we go!

April Fools!
You really thought I was stupid enough to think I could try five hundred scotches?